Thursday, September 23, 2010

recommendation on important aspects to look out for

As the international business development manager, when we want to export baby care product to Brazil there are so many important aspects that we need to pay attention look out for achieve a successful business, such as population of baby aspects, quality aspects and religion aspects.
The graph shown as below, there is showing population birth rate in Brazil. Data collected is by per 1000 persons average annual number of birth during a year in mid-year population. Population birth rate in Brazil is obviously increasing 14.85% from 2007 to 2008.  As we can see, during 2007 table shown as below it show per 1000 person only to constitute 16.3 births in Brazil. But during 2008, birth rate is obviously increasing 2.43births. The data is continuity maintain during 2009. It is show rate of population growth is slightly increasing at the same time. This graph is created by depends on both the level of fertility and the age structure of the population. Government of Brazil commitment to privatization and lower tariffs .Hence, Brazil is not only the largest economy in Latin America; Brazil also has huge potential growth in consumer market. So this is great opportunity that we export our product of milk powder for babies.

Secondly, standard of quality on infant formula (milk powder) is very important to a new born baby. It is because infant formula is the only source of nutrition for them other than breastfeeding. There are few ingredients which are consisting in infant formula such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamins. Typical raw materials in different proportions can cause different result in final output. If bad quality of infant formula will cause children deaths are link with nutrition problems. According to news of earth times, (,53000-babies-sickened-by-milk-powder-cover-up-found--summary.html)  hospitalized found out 53000 infant linked to the consumption of powdered milk laced with the chemical melamine. Furthermore, company of SanLu had covered up for months the contamination of its infant formula products. Our company strictly to fight against about this problem happens on our infant formula products.  So our milk powder emphasis on nutrients which can protect children drink with healthy even without breastfeeding. The primary goal of our company is achieve human need which is we will look out carefully with manufacture department. We promise that we will not mistake on human error and our product will not cause infant take risk with their healthy problems. Our product is easily adjusting any type of formulation and which on truly in basis. We not only offering quality good product it also reducing production costs and it can achieve market growth which existing in current market.  
Lastly, religion aspect is another one important aspects in Brazil that we must pay attention on it. Most of Brazilians are breastfeed their infant for the first six month of their lives. But some people think breastfeeding is not every woman can do it. ( Even religion of Brazil is support breastfeeding but we can argue that some woman choose infant formula feeding is because they feel their babies is not getting enough of milk. Meanwhile, babies of them will continued cry after not enough full and this will cause mother no longer having encourage to breastfeeding to their babies. I believe most of women will getting when they are not produce adequate quantity of milk to feed their babies Apart from that, most of mothers do not notice that what they eating or drinking will affect quality of breastfeeding to their babies. For example, if a mother taking alcohol during breastfeeding period might lead to accidently delivered toxic to the baby through the mother’s milk.  Thus, infant formula product is another option for feeding babies. The benefit of Infant formula is to increase babies’ nutritional needs without breastfeeding. This is another great opportunity that our companies enter this market of baby health product. Infant formula not only subsidiary of breastfeeding it also helps who mothers feel uncomfortable when make it breastfeeding or facing some personal healthy problem and their babies still can receive nutrient.

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